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Welcome to the Parish of St Edward the Confessor

Growing together in Christ

Welcome to our new website. Together with the Parish Hub the site acts as the contact point for all non-urgent matters. As we move into the Synodical process in the Roman Catholic Church we are developing more active involvement and leadership among our laypeople. We are seeking new ways of reaching out into the community to those we are called by the gospel to serve. We are a large parish that was originally three parishes. We have two churches (St Cuthbert’s and Sacred Heart) and three catholic schools. There is a warm welcome to everyone in our churches. If you would like to find more about Christianity and the Catholic Church come along and talk to us. We run programs to help people explore their faith and understand the role of the Church in an informal setting. We are developing our parish community so as to better develop the gifts of our people so that we continue to live out our gospel calling and we want you to be a part of this.

Our Parish

St Edward’s parish was formed from the original parishes of St Edward, St Cuthbert and Sacred Heart in Wigan. The parish is led by Father Giorgio Miles, our Parish Priest, who is assisted by two Pastoral Deacons, Deacon Anil Lukose and Deacon Mick Moffatt. We are developing new initiatives in the parish and restarting others. Currently we have Children’s Liturgy after the Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Church and we meet for Tea and Coffee after mass on alternate Sundays in St Cuthbert’s Church. We are forming a Bereavement Support Group to provide ongoing help those who have lost a loved one.